Have to share this!

Apr 20

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by an ArtFire seller - Harlamy - who was interested in making a couple of polymer clay owls in the same style as the owls in my paintings. It was certainly not something that I had planned on doing (my talent lies with paintbrushes, not clay!) so I said, "Sure!" She has listed the first owl and I was so charmed that I requested she make one for me. :) I wanted to share her darling creation with all of you!  Here's a picture of it:

Isn't he adorable?!  Here's the painting of mine that she mentioned in her listing:

I urge you all to go check out the listing at http://www.artfire.com/modules.php?name=Shop&op=listing&product_id=1317132.  Check out the rest of her items as well!  She's got some pretty cool jewelry, like this bracelet, which is one of my favorites!

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